Life Is Tough
Asking For Help Isn't

Safe. Anonymous. Free.

Crisis Messaging

Coming Soon To The App Store


Connecting Seekers with Heroes

Learn How We Can Connect You

Opiates. Alcoholism.
Depression. Anxiety.

If you or someone close to you is in crisis with any of these issues, I Need a Hero can connect you with someone who has been through the same crisis you are dealing with.

I Need a Hero is a free, volunteer-based messaging platform where people help people.

Be Someone's Hero
Help someone going through the same crisis you once did.

Hero | Seeker

Life can be hard. People struggle. When someone is faced with depression, anxiety, addiction, or alcoholism they need a hero - someone who has been through the same life struggles.

Change someone's life in your spare time

A Hero volunteers time to have anonymous, secure text conversations with someone going through the same crisis they did - a Seeker. Often Seekers go without help because they are reluctant to ask for help from traditional sources like AA, NA, or from mental health services. Heroes can truly change, or even save someone's life.

Volunteers Heroes are the heart and soul of I Need a Hero. As a Hero, you'll never be asked for legal, psychological, professional or medical advice – only that you share your experience, strength and hope. All conversations are confidential, and everyone is anonymous.
No one's actual identity is ever known - not yours nor the people you offer your experience and hope to. Everyone is anonymous. If you would like to help, please become a Hero and help someone who is where you once were.

Donations help us reach more people in need.

We believe in the power of wisdom that volunteer Heroes share with seekers. A few words of wisdom can be what it takes to help someone get through a crisis.

Donate Today